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Writer's picture: bazzreviews bazzreviews

Hi, everyone! After a few days of debriefing from BazzFest, I just wanted to talk a little bit about what all went down on Friday night.

As many of you who tuned in knew, there was a pretty big tech issue with the BazzFest video itself. I was up until about 4 AM this past Friday morning ensuring it got uploaded to YouTube. Fortunately, it did, but there's a catch: 5 minutes into the premiere, I was confused why everyone in the chat was saying "Why isn't this starting yet?" To my shock and horror, the video still remained at 0% processed as it had been 16 hours earlier.

I was absolutely crushed. I had poured my absolute heart and soul into this project, the extensive social media campaign, and booking all of the artists that were on the lineup. I was working on the fly to figure out what was the best course of action: I could have either delayed the video by another hour so the video could upload to YouTube to possibly fail again, or just settle for Instagram Live- something less ideal but be guaranteed to work. I chose the latter. That, in and of itself had some problems (when I tried to post the first part of the live stream, it got copyrighted), but I'm glad we still had some people show up.

This is certainly a big live-and-learn moment for me. Sometimes, big stuff happens, and you have to be prepared to deal with it. Whether that means I upgrade to a better video editing software and not expect iMovie to grunt out a 105-minute, 9-gigabyte video to YouTube, any subsequent BazzFests will certainly have to be run a little bit better.

I feel awful for all of the artists that were on the lineup, and want to apologize for this giant operational problem once again. I know that many of you were maybe not getting a hell of a lot of exposure from this to begin with, but I can't imagine how you all feel about this. I want to thank both artists and viewers for bearing with me during this process and messaging me this past weekend. Your words have been super empowering, and I hope you know how much they mean to me. I also want to thank all of the people who donated to BazzFest. We ended up raising $65 for Campaign Zero, not too bad considering we had to call an audible. Your donations are very much appreciated, and I'm glad you joined me in this cause to fight for a better tomorrow.

So, while BazzFest didn't go as great as I would have hoped, I'm still super fortunate that so many people tuned in and had been posting about it. Thanks for getting the word out there and doing your part. You guys are awesome :). In the last month, I think my follower count grew by about 25%, which was pretty remarkable. I hope you guys enjoyed all of the artists that played, and if there're any artists you want to see for future installments, let me know! Thanks for checking this out, and see you around real soon for more bazzreviews content!

to watch what is available from bazzfest, head over to my instagram- @bazzreviews, to watch!

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