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Writer: bazzreviews bazzreviews

Updated: Sep 9, 2020

Hi, everyone! I recently exchanged interview questions with the newly-created pop duo from Los Angeles, Honeywhip. They've preferred to remain ambiguous throughout this time, as nothing is known about who the group's members actually are. However, in their short time of existence, they have already made quite the statement in their music. In fact, some of their songs have made in-house curated playlists from Spotify. With some incredible samples of music already out there, I wanted to reach out and hear more about their hot start.

bazzreviews: Which albums or artists made you want to start a music career in the first place?

Honeywhip: There’s a lot, but we’d have to say Kate Bush, Frank Ocean, and the album Hats by The Blue Nile are some of the biggest. 

br: How did you all end up meeting each other?

H.W.: We both met in college at UC-Berkeley. 

br: What’s the significance behind the band’s name?

H.W.: Honestly, there is not too much significance behind it. I guess we just liked the feeling it gives us. Sounds tasty, right?

br: What was it like moving all the way from Tokyo all the way to Los Angeles?

H.W.: We’ve actually moved around quite a bit in the last 4 or 5 years. Not just to Tokyo and LA, but we’ve lived in cities like New York City, Portland, and others. And in each of those cities we’ve moved around various apartments. It’s definitely been unique, but we’ve come to have the mindset of not staying put anywhere for too long at this point. 

br: Have you guys been staying productive musically during quarantine? 

H.W.: Yeah, we think so! It’s just been working on this music, but we’re alternating that with moments of deep despair.

br: Can you describe your process for making songs?

H.W.: Definitely! Most of the time, it just starts with some chord progression or a little melody. Once a little bit more of the track is laid down, the lyrics come out pretty spontaneously We usually write and record the base of the track simultaneously because it feels more natural and intimate that way. 

br: What’s more important to you guys- lyricism, or production value/instrumentation?

H.W.: There isn’t one element we really think about putting more emphasis on, We want to have a very complete, well-rounded product before we release it. 

br: What are some of the songs you’ve been most proud to make? Are there any stories behind them?

H.W.: We’re pretty proud of everything we’ve put out so far, not sure if there’s one or two specific songs I would say. Keep in mind, we only have five or six tracks out on streaming now, so we’d have to say each of them are special in their own way. We worked for a bit of time before putting anything out on streaming, so we definitely had a clear vision for where we wanted this project to go. We’ve also got another set of songs that come from this same group, that we’re trying to perfect before putting them out. 

br: You guys recently made it onto some of Spotify’s curated playlists- how have you reacted to those moments?

H.W.: It’s been amazing to see so many people responding, especially because we just put these songs out into the world without telling our friends about them. We kind of wanted to see if the music could find its own life versus being this orchestrated, overly planned-out and publicized thing. 

br: Knowing everything you do about music now, what is one thing you’d tell your past selves?

H.W.: Never compromise creatively. 

br: What music goals do you have for the future?

H.W.: Just to keep making s--t we think is good, and hopefully expanding our fanbase.

I just want to say thank you to them for sending me these interview questions. I wish them the best of luck with whatever is coming up for them. In the meantime, I hope you guys go check out their music, as well as having your eyes peeled for more bazzreviews content throughout the month!

To hear more of Honeywhip's music, log on to


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